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Lackawanna County Court Notes 5/1/2010 - Courts - The Times-Tribune

-â??Kenneth Gregory Bolcavage, Archbald, and Denise Ann Skorupa, Simpson. -â??Jose Alberto Cartagena and Jocelyn Nicole Marie Romero, both of Scranton. -â??Kevin Maurice Boyer and Hollie Marie Gray, both of Scranton. ... -â??Margaret Janosik, individually and as administratrix of the estate of Edward Janosik, 19 Windsor Drive, Dallas, v. James C. Steinmetz, M.D.; Michael A. Yoder, M.D.; and Pathology Associates of NE Pennsylvania Ltd., all of 781 Keystone Industrial Park, ...
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$44900 USD MLS? - Texas, Adkins, TX, US

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recall great depression

in 1929, turner's mother, who owned a restaurant by then, took him on a vacation. he stayed with his mother and sister after that. one morning, his mother went to the bank to make a deposit and found a line of customers. ...
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